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We Call Bull | 8 Marketing Scams to Avoid
2020 is here, ready or not, and one of our goals this year is to help you all avoid getting scammed out of your hard earned money!

Do I Really Need A Design Guide? | Pros and Cons
You may believe that I’m biased as a designer, but this is truly a question worth exploring. I’ve come up with a list of pros and cons...

How Many Clicks Does It Take to Get to the Center of Your Website? | 5 Rules for Website Navigation
We have written our 5 Fast Rules for Website Navigation to help you create a fantastic customer experience online!

So Many Choices | Content You Can Make for Your Business
Download PDF Here! And contact us here if you need someone to bounce marketing ideas off of! #Entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #Marketing...

Ain't Nobody Got Time for That | Choosing the Right Content So You Don't Waste Time
Download PDF Here! And contact us here if you need someone to bounce marketing ideas off of! #Entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #Marketing...

The Call is Coming from Inside the House | Multimedia as an Internal Resource | Infographic
Download PDF Here! And contact us here if you need someone to bounce marketing ideas off of! #Entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #Marketing...

Elevate Your Elevator Pitch | Infographic
Download PDF Here! And contact us here if you need someone to bounce marketing ideas off of! #Entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #Marketing...

Going Up? | Why Every Employee Should Know The Elevator Pitch
Have you ever been at a gathering and asked the age old ice breaker, "So what do you do?" only to be met by a vague answer where you feel...

Come Here Often? | How To Elevate Your Event from Good to Legendary
For the most part we all have events that our company plans and executes. Whether it's a trade show booth, an open house, a product...

New Year, New You | Bringing Ourselves Back to Center
Goodbye 2018 and welcome 2019! 2018 was filled with many life and business lessons and Half and Half Creative Design Studio is eager to...

Dollars and Sense | Creating a Logical Marketing Budget for Your Business
Well my friends, it's that beautiful time of year again where we hunch over Excel spreadsheets and crunch numbers trying to figure out...

You Can Say That Again | 6 Questions to Prompt Excellent Testimonials
Download PDF Here! And contact us here if you need someone to bounce marketing ideas off of! #Entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #Marketing...

Shout It From the Rooftops | 5 Reasons Why Testimonials are Your Best Sales Pitch
Remember that marketing funnel we talked about months ago? Probably not, but here's the spoiler alert: the last step for a customer on...

Free Trade Show Checklist | Staying Calm Under Pressure
Download your FREE TRADESHOW CHECKLIST Here! And contact us here if you need someone to bounce marketing ideas off of or are looking for...

To Display or Not To Display | Deciding If A Trade Show Can Give You A Competitive Advantage
92% of trade show attendees say they are looking for new products! Chances are you've considered at least attending a trade show recently...

More Than Just Cheap Crap | Giveaways Are An Extension of Your Brand
If you've dabbled in the marketing world at some point, you may be rolling your eyes at the idea of the free trash and trinkets that have...

An Easy Marketing Plan? No Way! | 6 Steps to a Product/Service Specific Marketing Plan
Take your collection of products and services and give each one the attention it deserves! Download PDF Here! And contact us here if you...

Plans on Plans on Plans | How Having Multiple Marketing Plans Can Benefit Your Business
I can already hear the marketing world imploding at my mere suggestion that you would want more than one marketing plan.

What Are You Looking At? | Why Infographics Are More Powerful Than Paragraphs
The irony is not lost on me that I am writing paragraphs to explain why infographics are a better way to display your content but I...

Gather Around the Campfire | Telling Your Story through Marketing
People connect with people. That is why communicating why you do what you do is so essential to building a brand loyalty.

The Golden Circle and Marketing | Please Excuse Me As I Fangirl Over Simon Sinek
Let's first start off by saying that if you haven't heard of Simon Sinek you should open a new tab and look up some of his YouTube videos...

I'm Sorry, How Much? | How Much Should You Budget for Your Website
Designing a website can be a huge cost for your business. But if you come prepared, with a clear idea of what you need, it doesn't have...

What Did You Just Say to Me? How to Use Words for Marketing
Language is one of the most powerful tools we have as humans. It is also one of the most powerful tools we have in marketing. Here's a...

How to Start Viewing File Organization As a Winning Strategy And Not Just an Annoying Chore
Think about the bottom of your to-do list. The very bottom. You’ve probably got a handful of things that you write down every day that...
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